Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

LS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms


Sustaining life requires substantial energy and matter inputs. The complex struc- tural organization of organisms accommodates the capture, transformation, trans- port, release, and elimination of the matter and energy needed to sustain them.
As matter and energy flow through different organizational levels—cells, tissues, organs, organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems—of living systems, chemical elements are recombined in different ways to form different products. The result of these chemical reactions is that energy is transferred from one system of interacting molecules to another.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

CCC1: Patterns


Paul Andersen explains patterns and describes why pattern recognition is an important skill in science and engineering.  He begins by discussing patterns in nature, including snowflakes, flower petals, seasons and nucleotides in DNA.  He then illustrates the importance of classification in describing and eventually understanding patterns.  He gives a progression instruction in the science classroom from grade K to 12.  A secret pattern is hidden within the video.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Practice 4.jpg

Paul Andersen explains how scientists analyze and interpret data.  Data can be organized in a table and displayed using a graph.  Students should learn how to present and evaluate data.

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