Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

ESS2.A: Earth Materials and Systems


In this video Paul Andersen describes the four major spheres on planet Earth.  The geosphere makes up the mass of the planet and includes the major landforms.  The hydrosphere is all of the water and the atmosphere is all of the gases.  The biosphere exists where the others spheres interface.  A K-12 teaching progression is also included.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

ESS1.C: The History of Planet Earth


In this video Paul Andersen explains in more detail the history of the Earth.  He shows how the history of the Earth is written in the rocks that are built up over time.  Fossils allow us to compare different rock layers relative to one another and the absolute radiometric dating allows scientists to identify the specific age of individual rocks.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

ESS1.B: Earth and the Solar System


In this video Paul Andersen explains the parts of the Solar System; including the planets, dwarf planets, moons and asteroids.  He explains how everything orbits around the Sun and how a proper understanding of this heliocentric model helps to explain planetary motions, eclipses, seasons, phases and even day and night.  A teaching progression K-12 is also included.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

ESS1.A: The Universe and Its Stars


Paul Andersen describes our place on the Earth in the Solar System within the Milky Way Galaxy in the Universe.  The make-up and origins of the Universe are included along with stellar evolution.  A teaching progression K-12 is also included.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

CCC7: Stability and Change


Paul Andersen explains how stability and change are regulated in systems through controls and feedback.  Controls are used to regulate matter and energy flowing into a system.  Feedback mechanisms within the system are used to regulate stability.  Negative feedback loops keep the values around a set point and positive feedback loops move them away.  Disequilibrium can result in death of living systems and destruction of physical systems.  A progression of instruction for K-12 students is also included. 

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

CCC6: Structure and Function


Paul Andersen explains how the structure of objects are related to their function and vice versa.  He begins with a quick quiz on bicycle construction and ends with a progression of teaching for students grades K-12.  He also explains how the scale of an object will determine the function studied.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

CCC5: Matter and Energy


In this video Paul Andersen explains how matter and energy flow and cycle through systems.  He starts by explaining how energy and matter input and output will always be conserved.  He addresses the many misconceptions surround energy and matter including the belief that food contains energy.  He explains how nuclear reactions conserve both batter and energy.  The video ends with a teaching progression for grades K-12.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

CCC4: Systems and System Models

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In this video Paul Andersen explains how systems can be used to understand phenomenon in science and create better designs in engineering.  He starts by defining the characteristics of a system and describes how system models can be used to better understand the world.  For example a system model of the water cycle can show the cycling of matter on the surface of the Earth.  He ends with a progression of instruction for a K-12 science classroom.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

CCC3: Scale, Proportion, and Quantity


In this video Paul Andersen explains the importance of scale in science and engineering.  The Universe varies in size along three scales: size, timespan, and energy.  Many phenomenon are too small and fast, or two large and slow to observe.  We use the tools of proportion and units of measure to comprehend different scales.  The video ends with a progression of instruction from K-12

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

CCC2: Cause and Effect


In this video Paul Andersen explains cause and effect its importance in science and engineering.  He starts by addressing the chain of interactions that must be present to show cause and effect.  He addresses the assumptions of universality and scale in determining cause and effect.  He finished the video with a progression of instruction from K-12.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

CCC1: Patterns


Paul Andersen explains patterns and describes why pattern recognition is an important skill in science and engineering.  He begins by discussing patterns in nature, including snowflakes, flower petals, seasons and nucleotides in DNA.  He then illustrates the importance of classification in describing and eventually understanding patterns.  He gives a progression instruction in the science classroom from grade K to 12.  A secret pattern is hidden within the video.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP8: Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information


Scientists and Engineers spend over half of their working day reading, evaluating and producing text.  Therefore it is important that we produce students that have a high level of scientific literacy.  Students normally struggle with scientific reading due to the high level of jargon and multiple modes of presentation (i.e. graphs, images, data).  We can help our students become more scientifically literate by having them consume and produce scientific text from K to 12.  Several strategies for teaching this progression (e.g. adapted primary literature and mini-posters) are included.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP7: Engaging in Argument from Evidence


Paul Andersen explains the importance of argumentation in improving both understanding and design.  This video begins with a discussion of the heliocentric and geocentric model of the Universe that eventually lead to the Copernican Revolution.  It highlights the importance of both informal and formal arguments.  It finishes with a discussion of the educational progression including a great question.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP6: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions


Paul Andersen explains how scientists modify theories by constructing explanations.  He also discusses the cycle of design used by engineers to solve problems.  He starts by defining a theory as a well-established explanation of a phenomenon that is refined over time.  Examples discussed in the video include the big bang theory, the germ theory and the theory of natural selection.  He also lays out a progression for building this skill in students.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP5: Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

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Paul Andersen explains how mathematics and computational thinking can be used by scientists to represent variables and by engineers to improve design.  He starts by explaining how mathematics is at the root of all sciences.  He then defines computational thinking and gives you a specific example of computational modeling.  He finishes the video with a teaching progression for this practice.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP3: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations


Paul Andersen explains how investigations are used by scientists to answer questions and by engineers to test designs.  He delineates be investigative and observational science.  He demonstrates the formation of a good question the design of an effective investigation.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP2: Developing and Using Models

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Paul Andersen explains the importance of modeling in science and engineering.  Models are used by scientists to explain phenomenon.  Unlike mental models, conceptual models can be shared by all scientists to improve our understanding of the Universe.  Engineers use models study systems and test designs.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP1: Asking Questions and Defining Problems

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Paul Andersen explains how asking questions is the first step in both science and engineering.  Questions allow scientists to direct inquiry with a goal of understanding the phenomena in the Universe.  Questions allow engineers to define problems that require solutions.

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

SEP4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

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Paul Andersen explains how scientists analyze and interpret data.  Data can be organized in a table and displayed using a graph.  Students should learn how to present and evaluate data.

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