NGSS* Bundles
High School Conceptual Progressions Model
Model Course 1
Bundle 1: Interactions Between Objects (Macroscopic)
HS-PS2-1: Newton's Second Law of Motion
HS-PS2-4: Gravitational and Electrostatic Forces Between Objects
HS-ESS1-2: The Big Bang Theory
HS-ESS1-4: Orbital Motions
Bundle 2: Electrical Forces and Matter or Interactions Between Particles
HS-PS1-1: Valence Electrons and Properties of Elements
HS-PS1-2: Simple Chemical Reactions
HS-PS1-3: Electrical Forces and Bulk Scale Structure
HS-PS2-6: Molecular-Level Structure of Designed Materials
Bundle 3: Forces, Energy, and Motion
HS-PS2-2: Conservation of Momentum
HS-PS2-3: Reducing Force in Collisions Device
HS-PS3-2: Macroscopic Energy Due to Particle Position and Motion
HS-ESS2-3: Cycling of Matter in the Earth's Interior
Bundle 4: Energy and Bonds
HS-PS1-4: Total Bond Energy Change in Chemical Reactions
HS-PS1-5: Collision Theory and Rates of Reaction
HS-PS1-7: Conservation of Atoms in Chemical Reactions
HS-PS3-4: The Second Law of Thermodynamics
HS-LS1-5: Photosynthesis and Energy Transformation
Bundle 5: Changes in Energy
HS-PS1-6: Increased Products Design Solution
HS-PS3-1: Energy Change in Components of a System
HS-PS3-3: Energy Conversion Device Design
Bundle 6: Electric and Electromagnetic Energy
HS-PS2-5: Electric Current and Magnetic Fields
HS-PS2-6: Molecular-Level Structure of Designed Materials
HS-PS4-1: Wave Properties in Various Media
HS-PS4-2: Digital Transmission and Storage of Information
HS-PS4-3: Wave-Particle Duality of Electromagnetic Radiation
HS-PS4-5: Waves and Information Technology
Model Course 2
Bundle 1: Matter and Energy in the Universe
HS-PS1-8: Fission, Fusion, and Radioactive Decay
HS-PS2-4: Gravitational and Electrostatic Forces Between Objects
HS-PS3-5: Energy Change Due to Interacting Fields
HS-ESS1-1: Nuclear Fusion and the Sun's Energy
HS-ESS1-3: Stellar Nucleosynthesis
Bundle 2: Matter and Energy in the Environment
HS-LS2-4: Biomass and Trophic Levels
HS-ESS2-1: The Creation of Landforms
HS-ESS2-2: Feedback in Earth's Systems
HS-ESS2-4: Energy Variation and Climate Change
HS-ESS2-5: Interactions of the Hydrologic and Rock Cycles
HS-ESS2-6: Carbon Cycling in Earth's Systems
Bundle 3: Matter and Energy in Organisms
HS-PS4-4: Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation
HS-LS1-6: Formation of Carbon-Based Molecules
HS-LS1-7: Cellular Respiration and Energy Transfer
HS-LS2-3: Aerobic and Anaerobic Cycling of Matter
HS-LS2-5: Cycling of Carbon in Ecosystems
Bundle 4: Stability in Body Systems
HS-LS1-2: Interacting Body Systems
HS-LS1-3: Feedback Mechanisms and Homeostasis
HS-LS1-4: Cellular Division and Differentiation
Bundle 5: Inheritance of Genetic Variation
HS-LS1-1: Genes, Proteins, and Tissues
HS-LS3-1: Chromosomal Inheritance
HS-LS3-2: Inheritable Genetic Variation
HS-LS3-3: Variation and Distribution of Traits
Model Course 3
Bundle 1: Evolution of Earth
HS-ESS1-5: Evidence of Plate Tectonics
HS-ESS1-6: Evidence of the Earth's History
HS-ESS2-3: Cycling of Matter in the Earth's Interior
HS-ESS2-7: Coevolution of Life and Earth's Systems
Bundle 2: Evolution of Life
HS-LS2-1: Carrying Capacity of Ecosystems
HS-LS2-2: Biodiversity and Populations in Ecosystems
HS-LS2-6: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience
HS-LS2-8: Social Interactions and Group Behavior
HS-LS4-1: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity
HS-LS4-2: Four Factors of Natural Selection
HS-LS4-3: Adaptation of Populations
Bundle 3: Human Influence on Earth
HS-LS2-7: Human Impact Reduction Solution
HS-LS4-6: Human Impact on Biodiversity Solution
HS-ESS2-7: Coevolution of Life and Earth's Systems
HS-ESS3-2: Cost-Benefit Ratio Design Solutions
HS-ESS3-4: Reducing Human Impact Design Solutions
HS-ESS3-6: Human Impacts on Earth Systems
Bundle 4: Earth's Impact on Humans
HS-ESS3-1: Global Impacts on Human Activity
HS-ESS3-3: Biodiversity, Natural Resources, and Human Sustainability
HS-ESS3-5: Climate Change and Future Impacts
*Next Generation Science Standards is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it. Visit the official NGSS website.
Image By Ken Crawford (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0] |NGC7000 and The Cygnus Wall is part of the North American Nebula also known as Caldwell 20.